Hi Everyone, Well Im back. My garage floor is done and Ive done a lot of cleaning out and re-arranging in the shop. There was probably 10 pounds of sawdust all over everything and Ive accumulated lots of scrap lumber that Im never going to use. And my tools needed attention too. The only thing I have left to do is to make a rack for my wood clamps and go and get a new filter for the shop vac. I havent been idle this month on the wood working front-I think I mentioned someplace that Ive begun carving again and Ive been trying my hands at spoons. Heres one I finished the other day:
This one was made out of basswood, a soft wood that is easy to carve. I also made one out of hickory and it wasnt as hard to work by hand as I thought it would be. I used it to make some stew last night so I dont have a photo of it at the moment. I will be making another spoon out of hickory soon.
Project updates
Here is the bowl that I made out of camphor and have been working on since April. It came out really great and this piece of camphor has a nature shimmer in the wood. It was oiled and finished with beeswax this morning. It goes to its new owner later today:
This is the rainbow poplar bowl that Ive been working on, also since April. Ive been really happy with the poplar bowls Ive made this year and as its not as hard as some woods, like hickory, its a little easier to work on. This also has an oil and beeswax finish and has been sold:
...and I just couldnt resist this photo!
Ive got a number of bowls that require their final shaping and turning to work on and so we have a lot more work to do. So grab some coffee and drop by the wood shop-weve got more adventures ahead. Thanks, VW
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