Sabtu, 16 April 2016

Im a sucker for Trebuchets

As much as I tried, a last minute "homework" assignment from work meant that I wasnt able to write a post last night. Ill try to write a full post this week some time, though looking at my schedule, it may take until next Monday for a proper blog update.
In the mean time, I offer this great video to hold you over. Its one of the now typical "our job site radio is tougher than your job site radio" video all the tool manufacturers are producing. As much as I like the Bosch radio (I own a 1st generation one), the thing that makes this video outstanding is the trebuchet. Whats not to love about a wooden contraption that hurls a job radio 150 feet?
Id like to thank Tool Snob for first bringing this video to my attention. Keep up the good work, fellas.
How would you like to abuse your toughest (or least favorite) tool?

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